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5 Proven Ways to Increase Foot Traffic to Your Business

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Increasing foot traffic is a hurdle that almost every retailer must overcome. And it’s more crucial than ever to find strategies to draw customers through your doors in today’s fiercely competitive market when consumers have a variety of options. What is good news? There are several ways to increase foot traffic at your establishment.

Look in from the outside and begin

Learn who visits your store if it is in a pedestrianized area. Literally, observe the demographics of those who come and go while sitting outside or close to your window. They window shop, right? Have they previously come from another nearby store?

Next, objectively assess your signage and window display to see if it appeals to your target customer or demographic. Think of ways to optimize your merchandising and window display, for instance, if you own a coffee shop and the majority of your business occurs between the hours of 8 and 10 in the morning. Doing so will help you draw in more customers at these times. The simplest way to do this could be to distribute coupons during this period.

Host a neighborhood event with a newsworthy tie-in

Hosting a neighborhood or charitable event is one of the finest ways to boost foot traffic. Connecting it to a current occurrence is a fantastic method to achieve this and stand out.

Think about collaborating with neighboring companies to host a tie-in event or run specials on game days. Organize the event as a block party or in a prominent downtown location (even if you must temporarily relocate your company). Don’t forget to give back to the community; think about donating some of your earnings.

In advance, promote the event on your website and social media. Don’t forget to email and mail out flyers to your contact list as well as local media outlets, including radio stations, for the greatest impact.

Location-based services can be used to attire passersby

To advertise your small business utilizing mobile applications that target customers in the area of your business, you don’t need to be a tech whiz. You can share details about your most recent discounts and limited-time deals with customers nearby on websites and others. If you want to increase foot traffic during off-peak hours, for instance, you can arrange deals to be delivered at important hours.

Engage current clients in novel ways

When a restaurant or shop you’ve been going to for a while starts doing something new, it’s always energizing. And because of social media’s influence, creating something novel or unique and doing it well can spread swiftly.

Therefore, consider strategies for attracting older or current clients. It might be as easy as introducing a new kind of discount or informing them of a new good or service you’ve launched.

Straight-up sales are always a terrific approach to draw returning clients out of hiding. To your contact database, send an email or e-newsletter, and share it on social media. You might even hold a sneak preview sale first for a hand-picked clientele. If your company provides services, think about paying existing customers who suggest you to new consumers a referral fee.

Customer service

Consumers choose to patronize local companies over larger conglomerates for a reason: interpersonal connections. Customers will come through your door and keep coming back if you smile, provide excellent service, know your products well, and are enthusiastic. So make the most of your business advantage when you conduct new events, sales, or workshops!

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