AI tools

Deepfake Dilemma; The impact of Artificial Intelligence

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The rapid development of artificial intelligence in recent years has led to the emergence of the most controversial among artificial intelligence tools: Deepfake technology, which is used to create hyper-realistic content, often in the form of videos or images. While imitating real people and events it reveals the incredible capabilities of artificial intelligence, it also raises security and privacy concerns.

Although deepfake usually works on the existing content and replaces the person with another person, it can sometimes create new content in which the information is said or done by others. But through deep linking, it shows that the message came from some reliable source. For example in 2022 a  deepfake video was released in which the Ukrainian president asks his soldiers to surrender.

How it works:

Deepfake AI uses 2 algorithms: generator and discrimination, working in tandem. The generator creates synthetic content, attempting to replicate real images or videos, while the discriminator assesses the authenticity of the generated content. This is the process to follow when creating in-deepfake content. The combination of a generator and discriminator forms a network (GAN) generative adversarial network. It goes deeper into the video and increases its accuracy when creating images/videos in Deepfake (GAN).

Misuse of Artificial Intelligence:

Initially, deepfake was only used in the realm of the entertainment industry in video games or movies. Meanwhile, the dark side of the deepfake has come into the limelight, and deepfake is used for individual fraud, changing the political narrative, and generating fake news. The rise of Deepfake AI has spread fear in society, where every individual is vulnerable in the case of unauthorised manipulation. In the current landscape, heightened concerns surrounding privacy have prompted individuals to reassess the safeguarding of their personal information.

Navigating the instances of deepfake incidents and pursuing legal action poses a significant challenge. Where if someone creates a deepfake video or image the technology will be able to detect the authentication and algorithm methods. The collaboration between the government, tech companies that will detect the methods, and the legislation is essential to stay updated and to stay ahead of this AI threat.

The character of media literacy

Where deepfake AI becomes refined and sophisticated, media literacy has becomes a crucial aspect to protest against its harm. Directing attention toward public education on the intricacies of technology is paramount. Emphasising its potential to cause harm, exploring implications for individuals, and offering guidance on maintaining digital security are essential components in fostering a well-informed public.

Deepfake technology is a threat to the new generation who loves to portray themselves in front of the world and this technology not only can harm the sentiment of the public but can also pose a threat to national security. In the growing world of artificial intelligence, it is important to understand the phenomenon of deepfake technology and solve it to ensure public privacy and trust.

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